Monday 24 December 2012

Xmas Thought For The Day: The Bishop Of Shrewsbury

Past generations have gathered in this cathedral on Christmas night amid many shadows which seemed to obscure the future for them.
We think of the ideologies of the past century, Communism and Nazism, which in living memory threatened to shape and distort the whole future of humanity.
These inhuman ideologies would each challenge in the name of progress the received Christian understanding of the sanctity of human life and the family. Winston Churchill, Britain’s wartime Prime Minister, a man without clear, religious belief, saw in this deadly struggle nothing less than the defence of Christian civilisation.

Few of our political leaders today appear to glimpse the deeper issues when the sanctity of human life and the very identity of marriage, the foundation of the family, are threatened.
This Christmas we are also conscious of new shadows cast by a Government that was pledged at its election to support the institution of marriage.
The Prime Minister has decided without mandate, without any serious consideration, to redefine the identity of marriage itself, the foundation of the family for all generations to come.
 This is again done in the name of progress. The British people have reason to ask on this night where is such progress leading?

That's lovely, thank you.
I normally ignore most of the nutty anti-gay relgious vomit like this, but what's noteworthy about this sermon - spoiler alert! - to be delivered tomorrow is that the bishop is so proud of it he appears to have press released the Daily Mail.
Not sure Hitler and Stalin would have been that big on gay marriage, though.
This Christmastime, let us pray for an end to religion.

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