Wednesday 12 December 2012

Marriage: Hello, Cock Meet Up

The Sun.

The look on Lynne Featherstone's face says it all...

Here's the small print;

:: No religious organisation or individual minister can be compelled to marry same-sex couples or to permit this to happen on their premises;

:: It will be unlawful for religious organisations or their ministers to marry same-sex couples unless their organisation’s governing body has expressly opted in to provisions for doing so;

:: The Equality Act 2010 is to be amended to ensure no discrimination claim can be brought against religious organisations or individual ministers for refusing to marry a same-sex couple;

:: The legislation will explicitly state that it will be illegal for the Church of England and the Church in Wales to marry same-sex couples and that Canon Law, which bans same-sex weddings, will continue to apply.

 Teh bigots is teh win!

1 comment:

  1. So, someone could go to jail for abiding by the 2010 Equality Act and treating gays equally.

    The whole thing is a ridiculous farce now, so I guess their objective is achieved.
