Sunday 30 December 2012

2013: The Year In Preview

Once more Fagburn follows the newspapers lead on how to make up for the lack of anything interesting happening right now by "looking forward to" some things a-happening next year.

Anniversary: Britten 100.
Endless events throughout the year, including the annual Aldeburgh Festival.
The nation's favourite pederast is also being put on a 50p piece by the Royal Mint.
So swallow that, Turing! *

Book: Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls - David Sedaris. 
Published by Little, Brown in April.
David's first new collection of essays for five years.
Apart from the fact there are 288 pages, there are no other details available as yet - unbelievable.
Fagburn is also looking forward to Morrissey's "long-awaited" autobiography - 'We're Just Friends, Mother, Now Put Kettle On And We'll Hear No More About It' - not being published again next year. 

Exhibition: David Bowie Is
V&A from March.
Suitably pretentious and unwittingly hilarious name for this is.
Frocks and music and art and shit from the Dame.
Now officially your actual culture (is).

Film: Behind The Candelabra. 
Michael Douglas as "flamboyant pianist" Liberace, Matt Damon as his evil boyfriend, Scott.
Lee was so ace.
Made by HBO, so bum knows where and when you can watch this in the UK.
Yes, I know it's not a proper cinematic-theatre release film, so don't write in.

Museum: ABBA The Museum.
Stockholm, opens May.
Fagburn is currently accepting offers of all-expenses paid trips to Sweden to go and see this.

Music: Kraftwerk - The Catalogue
Tate Modern, February.
Only Ralf's left, you know.
And it'll just be some robots miming anyway.
But, you know, it's Kraftwerk, innit.
I'll probably just go and see The Fall again again.

Radio: PM.
Weekdays 5pm, BBC Radio 4.
The nightmare scenario at Fagburn Mansions is that Eddie Mair will be nabbed by Newsnight in a BBC shakedown next year.
As long as she stays at PM we will be happy.

TV Show: Splash!
The Tom Daley tellybox thing starts next Saturday evening on ITV1.
I'm feeling wet already...

Theatre: The Book Of Mormon.
Prince of Wales Theatre, that London from March.
South Park dudes, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, mock the stupidity of religion - via the magic of song.
Almost certainly as awesome as everyone says it is.

Trial: Bradley Manning.
It's the show trial of the century!
Currently set to commence mid-March, but they'll almost certainly delay it a few more times in the hope that Brad cracks up.
A cruel and unusual punishment indeed.

And finally... 
Disaster Of The Year: Vicious.
ITV1, "late Spring".
Call me Nostragaymus, but I confidently predict that the now renamed Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi sit-com about two old queens will be record-breakingly bad and butthurtingly awful.
Can't wait.

* It's also Camus' centenary, not sure how to celebrate that one, though.
Maybe frowning.

1 comment:

  1. You celebrate it by killing an Arab of course!*

    * Not really.
