Friday 21 December 2012

Tracey Thorn: Tinsel And Lights

If like me, and all sensible people, you love Christmas songs and Tracey Thorn's voice, I heartily recommend this album.
Three new songs and nine (mainly unexpected*) covers - and the little baby Jesus isn't even mentioned once.
It's about memories and dreams, family and friends, and the sense of reflection that comes at the end of each year; all of which are what Christmas is really about.
Anyway, whatever - this is a sublime record.

PS I know it was actually released weeks ago, so don't write in, but quite frankly you'd have to be some kind of complete mentalist to listen to Christmas songs before it's Christmas.

PPS Thinking about it, great Christmas songs are never about Christ are they**, they're about Christmas, just like this is.

* Includes songs by some talentless loser dudes like Stephin Merritt and Randy Newman. Stephin gave his song, Like A Snowman, to Kiki & Herb, and I have to confess I'd never heard it before.

** Apart from the mighty Christer festive canon of Sir Cliff of Richard, obvs.

Here is the video for the single Joy. Enjoy!

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