Saturday 22 December 2012

David Davies MP: Diversity Training

Tory MP David Davies recently caused outrage when he suggested that parents wanted their children to be heterosexual and that plans to legalise gay marriage were 'barking mad'.
Now the politician has attempted to defend his comments by saying that he has not 'done years of diversity training'...
Mr Davies, who also serves as a special constable, said that his friends would once never have been 'seen dead' with a Boy George CD but said he now owns the singer's Greatest Hits CD, adding: 'I love it!'

Daily Mail

PS Apropos of nothing, votes in Fagburn's annual poll; 'Homophobic right-wing politician most likely to be found with a cock in his gob' are now closed.

The small quotes above come from a great 'Give 'em enough rope' profile in The Guardian by Decca Aitkenhead. 
Respec' due!


  1. The Daily Mail omits the bit about his 'friend' who was once gay, but isn't gay now.

  2. Everyone has a 'friend'.
    What by helly-jellyck are you implying?

    1. His "special friend"?

    2. It is his friend!
      What is point?

    3. The point of special friends?
      To share our most ecstatic moments with.
      And our Culture Club CDs.

  3. I was implying the same thing as you with your "Apropos of nothing" and *innocent face*
