Thursday 13 December 2012

Daily Mirror: Bible Says...

Daily Mirror.

Good stuff - though perhaps now ever so slightly hackneyed
I'm more intrigued by what the Bible says we should do.
Like infanticide, child rape, eating shit and genocide.
Fun fun fun!
God created Hitler.
How anyone can take this lunatic junk as a moral compass is beyond me.
It's 2012 - can we move on now please?


  1. What it says in the Bible is irrelevant. What is important is what is good and right and just and true. People's feelings or beliefs or opinions, which are usually coloured by prejudice anyway, are secondary.

    Whenever I discuss important matters with the religious we talk without reference to the Bible or not at all.

  2. The Bible rules in polygamy. Or rather, it rules in polygyny but not polyandry (funny, that).
    You're right about this being hackneyed, though.
    It's such a moronic stance to take in the modern world (given how selective ALL Christians are in what they choose to follow in the Bible) that it's pointless to keep addressing it.
