Sunday 9 December 2012

The i: Love Will Tear Us Apart

Well that's all good, if it were only true. What a stupid, silly hysterical sideshow this has become.
Does anyone seriously think anyone really gives a flying fig roll about any of this?
Beyond you, me, some far-right Christian loons and the dildo, obvs?
Irony laughs as Aesop dies in a ditch!


  1. You seems to go on about it a lot.

  2. for the first tory "tearing apart" may i nominate david davies (the lesser).

    richard, on a related note you might "like" to catch today's jeremy vine's segment predicated upon above tory twat's recent comment that no parent wants a gay child. it was, to my mind, an extremely unbalanced programme with regard to the debaters whose sole justification for taking part was being a fathers (but neither had a gay child). my objection is to the many misleading, transparently idiot, homophobic points raised by american right winger (charlie?) wolfe which went unchallenged by the thoroughly decent -- but not familiar with the topic -- straight, liberal, ex-cop. ffs even references to the mormons programme of "gay desires, okay, as long as you don't act on them", went unchallenged. where was OUR voice? oh, yeah, sorry we had the usual email purportedly from a gay agreeing he wishes he wasn't gay; and, charmingly, a loving accepting father of a gay son he wishes wasn't gay. yeah, the exact same way it's seen as perfectly socially acceptable to voice your dissatisfaction with your child's short stature, wrong eye colour, lack of beauty etc. -- a perfectly understandable "just being honest" response of any loving parent!

    it made me feel a shit load depressed. it's enough to push some kid over the edge knowing he will always be irrevocably less than ideal in his parents eyes -- or much, much, worse.

    i'd contact the bbc to complain... but i lack the eloquence and confidence...largely due to a lifetime of being made to feel not good enough.

    [sorry for the length (oooh, matron!)]

  3. sorry.

    literally, the worst fucking thing i have ever written. or seen written. ever.

    i need an editor. and a samurai sword to ritually disembowel myself, such is my shame.

    let's pretend it never happened.

  4. I come here for the strange ancient metaphors.
