Friday 28 December 2012

The Guardian: Shit Gay Cartoon

The Guardian has in their employ the two best political cartoonists in the country; Steve Bell and Martin Rowson.
But like all of us, these talented chaps need to take the occasional break from their inspired and bilious drawing.
Sometimes Rowson and Bell are on leave at the same time - usually for a week over the summer and during the festive season.
The Guardian's solution is to have a different up-and-coming guest cartoonist each day.
These are almost always execrable, unfit to grace the pages of a school magazine.
Today is the turn of someone called Anna Trench. 
Brave Anna hasn't let the little fact that she can't draw for toffee daunt her, hell no!
Nor has her obvious lack of wit.
It took me a while to figure out quite what was going on in the kindergarten-esque finger painting above, but I think she's making a - perfectly valid, though over-simplified to the point of stupidity - point that Cameron's "compassionate" support for gay marriage may merely be a sideshow to distract from the Conservative's callous cuts and the dire state of the economy.
For reasons perhaps only knowable to herself, Trench has portrayed some leading Tories as Thunderbirds puppets - as if the recent death of Gerry Anderson somehow renders this "topical" - while waving a rainbow flag.
But - and here is the punchline - "equality" comes "with strings attached".
A lesser cartoonist might have let the cartoon speak for itself.
Not Ann - who has literally spelled out this "gag" at the bottom of the frame.
Oh well, back to the drawing board...

PS Variations on gay marriage polls have been a very popular page filler over Christmas.
Here's one from The Independent; "A survey of more than 2,500 Conservative Party members for The Independent found that a huge majority reject his arguments for legalising same-sex marriage.
"The findings come amid renewed speculation among some Tory MPs that Mr Cameron could face a leadership challenge before the next general election. His critics fear that the UK Independence Party will exploit the opposition to gay marriage among natural Conservative supporters..."
A ridiculous claim, but sadly typical of the Independent's clueless coverage of gay issues.

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