Saturday 29 December 2012

New Year Honours: Knight Daley!

Obviously Fagburn disapproves of the whole honours' system thing - and if her majesty offered me one of her trifles I would turn it down flat.
Just being me is sufficient enough honour for any chap, thank you.
But surely Tom Daley deserved a knighthood - for services to wanking diving and that.
So how about it next time, Liz?
Come on ma'am, show us you care!

PS "Tom Daley and Liam Payne’s bromance is gathering speed. The diving champ and One Direction star hit it off over the summer after a random Twitter exchange. And they’re fast becoming as inseparable as Lindsey Lohan and her court appearances...." 
Rehab, The Daily Star.


  1. I don't wish to be unkind, and I heartily agree with your sentiments, but from the size of the swimmers in that photo he can't have much to offer down below. I believe he calls the swimmers 'Budgie Smugglers' - perhaps 'Ant Smugglers' might be more appropriate.

    1. Tom's hands and feet are HUGE!!!

    2. The hands and feet thing is a myth, surely?
      The best way to tell the size of a man's cock is to look at how big his cock is...

    3. I keep suggesting this to our Tom, she never replies. :(

  2. Why were you skeptical about Peter Tatchell saying he has sex 5 + times per week? (8th September 2012)

  3. Also, how can he be fighting the homophobia if he's spending all that time having nook?
    I see now that all those millions I've donated to his foundation have merely been subsidising a life of debauchery.

  4. I hope you've kept the receipt.

    1. All my charitable donations are of a no-questions-asked cash-in-hand brown paper bag affair. :(

    2. Talking of which, they should make Tom Daley a Lord, thus rendering tabloid headline writers' jobs even easier than usual when he eventually comes out...

  5. Tom Daley's show is called Splash! ITV1 Saturday 7.15pm
