Tuesday 11 December 2012

Attitude: January 2013

I thought this was brilliant - cause of how it makes us question our assumptions about gay mag cover boys/beauty etc.
I could go on, but consider this cynic moved.
Brava, Maffew et al!

PS Can we have less sports and musicals next time, please? 


  1. Yes, but he's still a super-hot celebrity dude, which is mostly what gay mag cover boys are now.
    And straight, which is another thing that most cover stars seem to be now.
    I could go on, but consider this cynic still cynical...

    1. They had the guy from Bake Off last month and Ian McKellen, Peter Tatchell recently on the cover. I think attitude does a good job.

  2. I once dated a guy who had a below-knee amputation following an explosion. Whilst I was totally OK with it, he felt less than 'half' a gay man and it's what finished the relationship.

    Gay men's preoccupation with the body beautiful never ceases to amaze me. There's often more prejudice within the gay community itself than from outside.

    Agree totally with you Rich, it's all about mindset and having the Paralympics here in London has gone a long way to change minds.

  3. i so would.

    in a woman, however, i'd find it a complete turn off sexually.

    i agree...my penis' fascist viewpoint is abhorrent to me too.

  4. Fagburn says something nice about the gay press shock!

  5. Sorry, my earlier comment is a bit negative which it shouldn't have been. I agree it is an amazing cover for the reasons you mention, Fagburn, and just the sheer fact of how amazing he looks (and is, obviously - he's more than just a celebrity).
    I just dislike magazines selling themselves with cover stars but obviously that's what sells.
    I'm going to buy a copy myself so I can stare at the cover and sigh dreamily...

  6. Sending David Bowie's wife to five West End shows seems a bit random, though.

  7. Back on track, FB - well done!
