Wednesday 19 December 2012

Tom Daley: Under The Mistletoe

Some Adidas Facebook competition thing.
I have probably just signed my privacy away forever in the vain hope of winning a life-size poster of our Tom.
He should put some clothes on though, he'll catch his death in this weather.

PS The Sun online today printed a photo of Tom so huge it's practically life-size. Think he may have a fan there.

PPS Not much worth commenting on in ver meeja today. Best make your own entertainment.


  1. Your Adidas Facebook link appears to be an unsavoury picture of an inexcusable nature. :(

  2. Oops!
    Thanks for letting me know.


  3. Quite the Hairy Mary! (That's a good thing in my eyes, BTW!)

  4. He looks gorgeous in that mistletoe photo.
    Have you noticed how almost all the comments under every Sun or Daily Mail piece about him now are negative whereas a couple of months ago they were almost entirely positive?
    The predictable backlash is well underway, it seems.
    He still has a massive fan-base, though and I imagine that will only grow with the dodgy TV show...

    1. Think Mail comments have been pretty split all year - with the haters saying "Who the hell does he think he is? He's so vain!" etc etc.

    2. Yes, and the average Mail comment is usually depressingly shitty underneath any "article" so best not put any stock in that anyway.


    3. I wish they only printed the most Daily Mail reader-ish ones.
      'The so-called "success"of Tom Daley is exactly why I left England. onceproudbrit, Torremolinos.'
