Saturday 5 May 2012

Gay Star News: Stupid Bricks

'Lego’s been the ultimate toy around the world for decades but according to a fundamental Christian website it turns children gay. The multi-coloured plastic bricks and mini-figures encourage gender play and promote homosexuality, according to the US website Christwire, which aims to spread "conservative values for an unsaved world".
'The publication slams the iconic Danish invention for introducing minors to "the idea of anal sodomy" as part of dangerous social experiments that began in the 1950s. It goes on to say that the "vulgar, ambidextrous" toy is responsible for opening the door to gay marriage in Denmark.
'It argues that the world-famous dots on the building blocks deliberately mimic the human body and are of a "graphic sexual nature".
'As the toy became popular in the late-1970s, the website states that "children learned that they could attach these plastic people together any way they wanted", adding that "because of the dependence on the backside (the empty space) of the Lego, children were taught that bodies could connect through human backsides."
'It therefore accuses "the once great" Denmark of making gay sex "seem like a pleasant, Danish game.'

Gay Star News.

This was GSN's lead news story yesterday. 
I can't provide a link because this story has now been removed from their website.
Because the story is a piss-take from a satirical website - Christwire where every story is rather obviously a joke.
But the idiots at Gay Star News thought it was true and didn't bother to check it.
Fuck me, they really are hopeless. 

Thanks to D.


  1. Around once a month, I have to gently take aside someone from my FB or Twitter feed and tell them that the Christwire article they're preparing to get outraged about is a parody. Sometimes they don't believe me. Other times, they gently extinguish their burning torch, set down their pitchfork and go back to pointing in wonderment and fear at planes in the sky.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. This will keep me giggling for a while.

  3. Bit of a clue with Winnie the Pooh..

    My stomach churns and bubbles with disgust right now! You can see Poo Bear is playing mouth pogo with Tigger’s spring twaddle and Piglet is going for reverse feline finger fest tail excitement! You better bet they are implying Christopher Robin is picturing all this vile display of gay agenda and my bowel churn! These animals are doing all the cardinal gay acts and it is only the cover!


  4. Same for the Landover Baptist Church. Their letters page is worth a visit.

  5. To be fair, there's no christian position so idiotic that it overtakes parody.

    If someone can truly believe that purple teletubby makes children gay, they can believe lego does the same thing.
