Tuesday 15 May 2012

BGT: Winner's Gay Shame

BRITAIN’S Got Talent winner Pudsey is hiding a gay secret and has a boyfriend.
The lovable pooch, whose owner Ashleigh Butler bagged a £500,000 prize on Saturday night, is smitten with a cocker spaniel called Sam.
The six-year old hound even dumped his border collie girlfriend.
Ashleigh, 17, said: “It’s true. One of my friends has a cocker spaniel called Sam.
“Whenever Pudsey sees Sam, he is in love. He has a thing for him.
“Don’t ask me why. Maybe it’s the ears! Pudsey is a complete flirt.”  

At last some real news!
Well done The Star, this is a real scoop, of interest to members of the dog community everywhere and so sensitively handled.
Never quite understood some of the media's obsession with "gay" animals, but I guess this must be my loss.

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