Friday 25 May 2012

Theresa May: And She's Not Making This Up

Ben Cohen, publisher of Pink News, has begun a campaign to get politicos and celebs to record videos saying they are Out4Marriage.
Who says It Gets Better hasn't changed anything?
Much of the UK gay media seem to be imploding with excitement that Theresa May, Tory minister for women and equalities and deportation, has made a video.
That's right - Theresa May, who's always said she supports gay marriage, has said she supports gay marriage!
On Pink News, a breathless Edmund Broch declares; 'Home Secretary Theresa May comes @Out4Marriage to reaffirm Government’s equal marriage promise'
"Drawing a line under accusations that the Government is ‘pushing into the long grass’ plans to allow gay couples to marry, the Home Secretary, Theresa May, has become the most senior politician yet to join the Out4Marriage campaign."
No such line is drawn.
If anything she is markedly less committed than she has been in the past, and stresses she's only expressing a personal opinion;
"I recognise that there are strong views on both sides of this argument. And I need to listen to all of those views and that’s why the Government is consulting on this issue."
Even if she said she was determined to make gay marriage happen, after Conservative conference every word May says has to be foregrounded with the phrase; "And I'm not making this up..."
Meaning she probably is.
It is remarkable and frightening that journalists - who should be the last people to believe anything a politician says - can be the most credulous and unquestioning.

PS The hyperbole spreads to The Independent who give a leader column to this epochal moment. The piece in The Guardian is so stupid I find it impossible to believe the journalist has been following the gay marriage debate.
Hooray for stupidity!

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