Thursday 17 May 2012

IDAHO: Have A Nice Day

The NSPCC had a long running campaign whose slogan was "Children to cruelty must stop!"
Whenever I saw one of their posters I went; "It's certainly something to think about."
It's kinda how I feel about IDAHO, the International Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia.
"Okay, so long as you promise it'll be just for one day..."
Of course, I think people should be against homophobia and transphobia.
Though all that seems to happen on IDAHO each year is a few town halls fly a rainbow flag.
The UK papers have ignored it today, except The Independent.
It's perhaps instructive that the paper which writes so little about The Gays the rest of the year has blessed us with not one but two articles.
There's one by John Bercow, the Speaker of the House.
He's passionately pro-gay, but it reads like a hastily written report card;
"Good work, but hope you can do even better next year."
Then he lists a couple of countries and rates their progress, good or bad.
The second piece - another quick list of good and bad news from around the world plus a few platitudes thrown in for dull measure - is called; 'The day the world comes out for tolerance'. 
I'm sure many on reading that title will have thought of the line from Jean Cocteau;
"But I refuse to be tolerated. This damages my love of love and liberty."
Anyway, same time next year?

1 comment:

  1. Only if they had actualy READ Cocteau..feeling pretty fucking down!
