Sunday 20 May 2012

News In Briefs: Pants!

These three stories have appeared in most of your actual gay news media in the last few days, with much the same take on them. 
I don't think any of them warrant their own blogpost, but as they've generated much babble here's my two cents. 

1. Hillary Clinton to officially accept WorldPride award
'US Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton has formally agreed to accept WorldPride’s “World LGBT Award” as the event comes to London this summer.
'Mrs Clinton will be honoured for her “outstanding contributions” to gay and transgender rights globally.
'The award will be presented at the World Pride Gala Dinner, Dine With Pride.

This report takes its cue from the press release which said; "...Hillary Rodham Clinton formally agreed to accept WorldPride’s World LGBT Award".
How would you interpret this?
That she's said she wants to come over for the award ceremony and get it?
I checked with Pride London and all that's happened is she's said she accepts the honour - as if she was going to reject it.
Have you ever heard of a press release being sent saying someone had agreed to be given an award before?
Do they do this with the Oscars?
Apropos of nothing tickets for the dinner cost £250. 

2. Disneyland champions gay rights in Japan
'Disneyland has become an unlikely champion of gay rights in Japan, by allowing same-sex couples to marry on its premises, even though same-sex relationships have no legal recognition in the country.'

Disney have said they will hire out a venue to a lesbian couple for cash-money for a meaningless made-up ceremony - this does not make them gay rights champions.

3. Will Smith Slaps Some Sense Into Reporter Who Tries To Kiss Him
'Rapper/Actor Will Smith was not having it when a reporter tried to kiss him on the lips at the Moscow premiere of Men in Black 3'A wacky Ukrainian journalist tried to plant one on Smith on the red carpet, but the star pushed him away and gave him a backhanded bitchslap on the face. Smith tried to stay all smiles but seemed ticked off, saying “He’s lucky I didn’t sucker punch him.”

I would also be extremely pissed off if some unfunny jerk tried to do this to me.
Wouldn't you?
I don't think you can automatically read anything else into it (it has been interpreted as indicating/confirming he's either closeted or a homophobe).  
Incidentally, just two days before Will Smith said he supports gay marriage.

1 comment:

  1. Will Smith got on very well with Graham Norton.
