Friday 18 May 2012

Archbishop Of York: Mad Thought For The Day

'I will be the first to accept that homosexual people have suffered discrimination and sometimes worse through the decades and that the churches have, at times, been complicit in this. There is much penance to be done before we can look our homosexual brothers and sisters in the eye. But that baleful history does not diminish the need to speak the truth in love.
'I firmly believe that redefining marriage to embrace same-sex relationships would mean diminishing the meaning of marriage for most people, with very little if anything gained for homosexual people. If I am right, in the long term we would all be losers.
'Of course, if someone should ask, "how will my marriage be affected if couples of the same sex can marry?", the answer is: not at all. But let me put the question another way: what sort of a society would we have if we came to see all family relationships primarily in terms of equal rights? The family is designed to meet the different needs of its different members in different ways. It is the model of the just society that responds intelligently to differences rather than treating everyone the same...'

John Sentamu, His Very Holiness The Archbishop of York, The Guardian.

Sorry, it's no good.
I've been struggling with this all day and I still have absolutely NO FUCKING IDEA what he's trying to say.
Not even one single sentence makes sense.
Is he speaking in tongues?
Is it a joke?
Is it the world's most colossal typo?
A cry for help?


  1. He seems to be saying that by treating you differently, he is doing you a favour.

    He then adds a few ‘choice’ ‘key words’ for the reader’s eye to fall on. Like marriage, sex, relationships.

    And all that goes through my mind is “ he is a knob.”

  2. I was thinking to myself earlier if - perversely - it would be a good thing if he got the Archbishop of Canterbury gig, purely because he is so clearly a knob with nuts on.
    I reached no real conclusion.

    1. Stick with your gut instinct.

      He also seems to have a fucking great napkin on his head..circa mother's 1970's kitchen decor..

  3. You may scoff, but we'll all be wearing them this time next year.

  4. Oh, I know, pathetic isn’t it?

    Mind you, not as pathetic as a Catholic Voices commentator I heard cautioning abstention from sex for priests/gays at all times and straights only if married. Celibacy she said, and abstaining is “a profound invitation to freedom”.

    What planet are these religious nuts on. I wonder.

    1. Is it a trick question? :)
