Sunday 13 May 2012

Gay Marriage: End Of

Okay, I will try to conclude the raging debate about gay marriage.
I increasingly wonder how much I care and who cares who calls it what it is?
This whole debate has been an obsession of the gay bourgeoisie.
Do you wanna watch some posh boys pretending to be soldiers?
Let's make a crap video.
Do you wanna read some posh gays whining on?
Yay! Yay! Yah!
We are pretending to be angry, cause we don't give a flying fuck about anything that actually matters.
Do it if you wanna - it annoys the flip out of bigots, so that's gotta be fun - but let's not pretend it'll make that much difference to anyone's life.
I have lost words to say how bored I'm becoming with this.
And meanwhile their class war continues unsaid.

Update: This was a bit of a loopy bilious rant, wasn't it? Maybe I'm turning into a blogger cliche? 

PS A good piece from the New Statesman by Ray Filar on How Conservatives Hijacked The Gay Movement.


  1. Starting to sound like the 'mad cat lady' on your video clip.
    Who else cares? You care! It's why you started this site.

  2. Oh well it was a good ride. Tara.

  3. Then it is 'the self' rather the shitty perception of gay men in the media? :(
