Monday 21 May 2012

Fagburn: Good Grief

Well, that soon descended into the usual circlejerk of absolute Dianabollocks.
"Oh boo hoo-hoo, I'm even more upset than you."
Next time someone famous dies please tell me to turn off Twitter,
lest I drown under another avalanche of idiotic and insincere sentimental vomit.
"Don't feel it, show it!"

"There's an emotional kind of almost decadence, where people are encouraged to shout and to scream and to weep over the most trivial issues. There is an emotional licentiousness where people just give way to hysteria over nothing, over trivia. You've got this emotional incontinence over things that don't matter, and you've got this passivity over things that do matter.
"So it's almost like the cultural establishment is letting you lose all your feelings of rage and suspense and of pain, when the things you should be raging and in pain about we tolerate."

Ken Loach, interviewed for A History Of The Stiff Upper Lip, BBC Radio 4, May 19th 2012.


  1. Now is the Summer of our twit-comments.

    (Unless you're not talking about Donna Summer, in which's still true.)

  2. That Ken Loach comment is absolutely spot-on.

  3. ^^ It was more about Robin Gibb, but applicable to so many situations.

    The Stiff Upper Lip programme is brilliant by the way - even if it does feature Lady David Starkey (and Peter Hitchens).
