Friday 25 May 2012

Leveson Inquiry: Call Me Daddy!

The text messages between Jeremy Hunt and Murdoch’s lobbyist [Fred Michel] are just plain embarrassing.
FM: great announcement today. Well done
JH: Merci papa [...]
FM: Full of energy and purpose on Andrew Marr! Liked your answer on Rupert and the BBC! Have a great visit to India. Fred
JH: Merci mon ami
In what is perhaps a reference to mutual fatherhood of new babies — their children were born in the same hospital on the same day — the pair resorted to calling each other “daddy”. At times this drifts off into what could be kindly be referred to as flirting.
FM: You were great on the BBC this week-end!
JH: U too daddy [...]
FM: Great speech. Watched it with cycling team. And I can’t believe you managed to do Newsnight as well! You have stamina daddy!
JH: We all find it somewhere!
Via Political Scrapbook.  
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
We've also recently learnt that Michael Gove uses a private/secret email account under the name "Mrs Blurt".
Not sure anything should be read into this idiosyncrasy of Ivan Massow's former flatmate.
They're a funny bunch these Tories and no mistake.


  1. I have always wondered about these two.

    Flirting indeed. C'mon guys, dig deeper.

  2. William Hague is not gay.
    Liam Fox is not gay.
    Jeremy Hunt is not gay.
    No way!

  3. I wonder if they're exchanging fluids.
