Thursday 10 May 2012

President Obama: He Does

You took your time, love.


  1. Just curious - why not?

    It certainly took him long enough, it was pretty much forced upon him, it wasn't exactly a hard hitting statement (evolved???) and his record on similar areas is not exactly gleaming.

    But the way I see it, it's another plus for the marriage equality movement. The President of the USA is no longer 'unsure' or 'undecided'... he has 'evolved' and 'supports same-sex marriage'. The groups campaigning for same-sex marriage gained some nice sound bites here.

  2. Cause I don't really care about gay marriage.
    It's a fool's dawn and bourgeois folly.

  3. Fair enough. Your comments suggest that you think it is a waste of time but personally, I think that is a shame. Personally I think the whole discussion has wider connotations to the issue of equality.

    Do I think same-sex marriage rights here would instantly improve the lives of UK gay people? Not particularly. A few might enjoy a nice day with their friends and families and then after there will be the (I imagine) short lived novelty of being able to say “we’re married” to one another.

    But I do think same-sex marriage would remove one of the endemic areas of civilly-endorsed inequality from the UK. And with that we would join a small (but hopefully growing) group of like minded countries. And I do think that can only help strengthen the position of global cries for equality for lgbt people who really do have more to worry about than same-sex marriage.

    Just an opinion though.
