Monday 14 May 2012

Gareth McLean: Role Models Roll Call

'WHEN I WAS a wee boy growing up in a small town outside Edinburgh in the late 1970s and early 1980s  - I know: in gay years, I’m dead – TV was the only window onto a wider world and representations of gay men were – how shall I put it? – a little lacking. In my early formative years, I had, to look up to:
Larry Grayson
Mr Humphries from Are You Being Served?
Lieutenant Gruber from ‘Allo ‘Allo
Steven Carrington in Dynasty
Frankie Howerd
Kenneth Williams
Kenny Everett
Freddie Mercury
(And the last two were, at least nominally, bisexual)...'

TV critic bloke Gareth McLean blogs beautifully about gay men on the tellybox.
Funny, I never watched 'Allo 'Allo or Dynasty, and though a fan - and like the wee Mr McLean was gagging to find any kind of gayness - never twigged back then Frankie Howerd or Kenny Everett were gay.
Strange days, indeed.


  1. High "camp"!! I loved Frankie Howard in The House in Nightmare Park - gay or straight !

    Tough titties :)

    Couldn't be arsed reading Gareth

  2. And I thought Kenny Everett was merely British.

    1. Eh? Is that one of his lines?

    2. No, just that he seemed eccentric, which we across the water think of a general characteristic of being British.

      Merely a weak joke, nothing more.
