Sunday 13 May 2012

Tim Loughton MP: Minister For Children

'Tim Loughton, Tory Minister for Children and Families, came under fire from Liberal Democrat partners after he said he was totally opposed to same-sex marriage and that the Prime Minister would do better to focus on getting Britain out of recession.
'Lib Dem Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone immediately slapped him down, saying: ‘Our consultation on equal marriage is about how to do this, not whether. Both Coalition parties have made clear we are committed to legislate by 2015.’
'Ms Featherstone intervened after Mr Loughton wrote to a constituent saying: ‘For me, marriage as a religious institution cannot be anything other than between a man and a woman, and particularly when all the rights and responsibilities of marriage are available to non-heterosexual couples through civil partnerships.’
'In a letter to a constituent in East Worthing and Shoreham, Mr Loughton said: ‘I do not see why we need to change the law, especially at this time when there are so many other important matters for the Government to be addressing. Until now I have not received a single letter from a constituent pressing me to support gay marriage.’

The Daily Mail (obvs).
If you're confused about how marriage can be a religious institution when the consultation/doctrine says same-sex couples can't get married in church, you can contact Tim Loughton here.
Or maybe you just want to tell him he's a cunt?
Please note, Tim Loughton - who is is happily married - has a special interest in children.

1 comment:

  1. such an obnoxious cunt at that. IDIOT
