Monday 14 May 2012

Newsweek: The First Gay President

This is hilarious in its vacuity.
All hail to the chief. 
Look! As if by magic, he's now a saint!
The article - read it here - is written by gay right-wing pundit Andrew Sullivan.
Andrew said, some years ago, once we get gay marriage and gays in the military, we can pull down our placards and go home.
Cause that's all we need, right?

PS I should stress I support gay marriage - as should be evident by what I've written about it, and (ironically) how much - I just don't like the way it's been fetishised by some gay men, who seem to think it has some strange magical powers. For more, see below...

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could say the same about your support for freedom of speech, because you seem to be acting like a bourgeois blogger .
