Friday 25 May 2012

Jim Parsons: And On That Non-Bombshell...

'When Jim Parsons, the Emmy-winning star of CBS' hit comedy The Big Bang Theory, publicly confirmed that he is gay this week, he didn't announce it in a hyped TV interview, or declare "Yep, I'm gay" on the cover of Time magazine. Instead, the 39-year-old actor casually shared the information with The New York Times' Patrick Healy, who mentioned Parsons' sexuality and his 10-year relationship with a man almost in passing, near the end of a lengthy article on Parson's role in a Broadway revival of Harvey. It was the kind of low-key coming out that's becoming increasingly common. Here, a chronological look at how we got from "mega-outings" to casual exits from the increasingly transparent closet...'

The (US) The Week on how (US) celebrities now tend to come out in passing, rather than splashing it all over the front page.
It's a fair point.
But seeing as they can only name three other sorta famous dudes who've come out in the last two years - Jonathan Knight, Zachary Quinto and Matt Bomer (who? etc) - it's hardly like fags is busting (quietly) out all over, is it?

1 comment:

  1. Jim Parsons RULES!!!
    I'm getting the feeling this may also be a "geek thing". :(
