Friday 25 May 2012

Eurovision: Boo!

Oh noes! Azerbaijan isn't very nice and they are hosting the Eurovision!!!
Things are so bad Sir Peter Tatchell has put out a press release.
Let's read some more about this hell-hole.
The Times takes a look at Baku's subterranean gay life in The Power Of Disco-Ball Diplomacy..
Lucy Bannerman visits a gay club, and meets Elkhan Baghirov, an activist who thinks the Aliyev regime has been rather good for The Gays;
“Back when the opposition party was in power [after independence in 1991] it was not safe to walk the streets. Even in the past five, seven years, Baku was bad.
“I have spoken to many people this week who say they are so surprised. They were scared about coming here. I am pleased that they can now come to Baku and see with their own eyes. If you go out on the boulevard, you see a lot of happy Azeri faces.”
Elkhan likes the Turkish entry; "Sexy man, super song."
The Telegraph's take on it is A tale of tyranny behind the kitsch of Eurovision in Azerbaijan, which, in true Telegraph-style, completes the Herculean task of writing about "the annual festival of tackiness" without actually mentioning The Gays.
Well done.
Meanwhile The Economist wonders what the Politically Apolitical European Broadcasting Union can do to protest the repressive regime.
It's funny I don't recall many journalists drawing attention to Israel's piss poor human rights record when they hosted Eurovision last, do you?
Still, it's not like Israel uses Eurovision for propaganda value to try and present themselves as a nice, normal "European" country, is it?
I've also heard some terrible things about the host country of this year's London Olympics.
Apparently they keep bombing, invading and occupying other countries.
And loads of homes were demolished to make way for the stadium!
Anyone for a boycott?
Oh, and since you're wondering I'd quite like Jedward to win Eurovision, obvs.
Top lads.

PS I see someone has started an internet petition complaining about human rights in Azerbaijan. I bet President Aliyev is shitting himself. 

1 comment:


    Azerbaijan rugby team demo :)
