Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Was Gareth Williams Murdered: Probably (Not)

Quite surreally candid headline in the Independent.
The "open verdict" seems like an invitation to print even more speculative nonsense.
Ho hum...

Update: Good piece on Guardian online Friday, 'Gareth Williams and the Prurience of the Press', Juliet Jacques.

Update2: Some absolute nonsense in Saturday's Mirror; 'MI6 dirty secrets.. why do sex games appear to feature in so many spy deaths? Disposing of an enemy and making it look like a perverted fantasy gone wrong is in the training manuals of every spy agency from MI6 to Mossad.' Eh?


  1. Why would MI6 murder someone, shove them in a bloody big gymn bag..padlock it from the outside and shove it in a bath? And then leave it all to be swarmed over by the rags and every marmalade dropping lone to focus on? Actually, why would anyone in their right mind [ not too up on this :) ] bump someone off like that?

    1. UNLESS!!!
      They wanted to throw people off the scent by making it look like yet another "body in the holdall in the bath bizarre wanking incident"???
      So think on, ppls!
      THINK ON!

    2. Thought that out too......then fell asleep watching the Inspector Murdoch Mysteries :)
