Tuesday 30 October 2012

Tom Cruise: Family Guy?

Fagburn will make no comment on the fact that the drunk dude arrested in the grounds of Tom Cruise's mansion late the other night turns out to be a male model and interior designer.
Particularly at what must be a difficult time for the pint-sized Hollywood legend, Scientologist and notorious heterosexual.
And, despite what some cruel mouths have been whispering, the man had broken in, and wasn't trying to break out. 
But an eagle-eyed reader has pointed out how this frankly bizarre incident appears to have been precogged in an episode of Family Guy.
Life, as Oscar Wilde might have said, may merely have been imitating art.

Thanks to Rhian and Paul. x


  1. doing anything about alex read? poor chantelle lol

    1. I'll do something on Hurricane Chantelle this evening.

