Monday 22 October 2012

Coalition 4 Marriage: We Done Made A Video!

A predictably brilliant and extremely persuasive video from Coalition 4 Marriage.
Although, not actually being retarded myself, it's hard to make out what point it's trying to make, but apparently that gay marriage thing is wrong, and we must return to a lost Eden where children have sex and put cardboard boxes on their heads.
Praise be.
Great stuff guys!


  1. What do the coloured boxes signify?

  2. And the pies!
    What are they about?

  3. That video is rather baffling.

  4. Are you a fag? fine 'reclaim' the fag name. Not 'retarded'? DON'T use that name. It hurts people and makes disabled hate crime easier to commit by people who have been indoctrinated into thinking disabled people are worthless.
