Thursday 25 October 2012

Savilegate: Welcome To Salem!

A powerful paedophile network may have operated in Britain protected by its connections to Parliament and Downing Street, a senior Labour politician suggested yesterday. 
Speaking from the back benches of the House of Commons, Tom Watson, the deputy chairman of the Labour Party, called on the Metropolitan Police to reopen a closed criminal inquiry into paedophilia.
Indicating his anxiety that there had been an establishment cover-up, Mr Watson referred to the case of Peter Righton, who was convicted in 1992 of importing and possessing illegal homosexual pornographic material...
In the aftermath of Mr Watson’s remarks, media outlets speculated that he was referring to the  late former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath – who was the subject of unsubstantiated rumours about sex with under-age boys – or to Sir Peter Morrison, a former Downing Street aide who died  in 1995...

The Independent.

This is getting stupid now.
Tom Watson should know better than pandering to this tinfoil hat conspiracy nonsense.
You can clearly say any old balls you want about this now.
Please wake me when this nightmare's over.

1 comment:

  1. any discussion where i hear the phrase "OMG david icke was right along!" has me worrying.

    and call me an overly sensitive flower but ye olde homophobia will somehow find cover under the putrefying corpse of savile as it's dragged through the streets. ditto opportunistic anti-left bashing, nach. did you read the execrable melanie phillips' cynical cheap shot blaming it all on the permissive sixties (for a change) -- conveniently forgetting the widespread and documented child rape and abuse in the victorian era; as well as the now familiar abuse in religious run institutions -- those bastions of permissiveness!

    i've always hated jimmy (by royal appointment) savile and the way he toadied up to the establishment; those same cunts who are now shedding crocodile tears for the victims all the while rubbing there hands in glee at the opportunity of damaging the bbc or liberalism or whatever their personal aunt sally is. they don't fucking care. didn't back then when it was happening. and dont now.
