Thursday 25 October 2012

Daily Mirror: Sex Tips From A Gay Man

In a word... no.

Quite funny piece in the Mirror by Siobhan McNally.

Lots of things are OK – dressing up, sex in a lift, dirty talk, crotchless knickers, handcuffs, edibles, ­Marigolds, Fairy Liquid... oops sorry, that was my shopping list.
But if he suggests anything that involves cutlery or the family hamster, then feel free to say no.
Perhaps even suggest an alternative activity – like finally getting around to mowing the lawn.

PS The book sounds like junk - I predict huge sales. Post 50 Shades Of Grey, it's obvious you can sell any old rubbish about sex. I know - who knew!

1 comment:

  1. "Let him know what pleasures you, by guiding his hand, to the ironing" - JB9K
