Tuesday 9 October 2012

Marriage: A Sensible Debate

THE former Archbishop of Canterbury sparked fury yesterday by comparing anti-gay marriage campaigners to Jews in Nazi Germany.
Lord Carey criticised supporters of reform who have dubbed opponents “bigots” or “extremists”.
Calling for a “sensible debate” on the issue, he said: “Remember the Jews in Nazi Germany, what started it against them was when they were called names — that was the first stage towards that totalitarian state.”

This is The Sun's account of His Holy Barkingness address to a "mass rally" of 400 people on the first day of Conservative party conference yesterday.
I do love that call for a "sensible debate" before promptly taking a sharp right-turn to Hysterical-Loonyville-On-Thames.
It's Godwin's Law - and it means you know you've lost the debate.
Sit down man, you're a bloody tragedy!

PS Note to various gay bloggers, tweeters, journalists etc, gay men in Nazi Germany were sent to prison and labour camps, not death camps, and it is morally obscene to suggest there is an equivalence between what happened to several thousand gay men with the systematic extermination of millions of Jews.*
Though it's nowhere near as obscene as comparing the Nazi holocaust to how mad Christians are treated in the UK today, of course.

PPS This seems to have blown over quite quickly in the (print) newspapers - one hopes as they realise Carey is a complete irrelevancy. 

* For more read The Pink Triangle: The Nazi War Against Homosexuals by Richard Plant.

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