Wednesday 10 October 2012

Marriage: Video Nasty

Hilarious short fillum from inside and outide the Coalition For Marriage "mass rally" at Conservative party conference.
Presented by Michael White - the Guardian's political editor and a notorious heterosexual.
Surprisingly the audience look like a bunch of scary swivel-eyed freaks.
Best bit is when Princess Michael finds a gay Tory coming out of the hall - "Oh. You picked the wrong team".

PS Here's the BBC TV News report. Ann Widdecombe in wonderfully barking pantomime dame mode. Hey Ann! If you like straight marriage so much why don't you have one?


  1. The dude at the end was interesting. He said he'd seen the decay of society over many years and mentioned the "break down" of the family and how lots of children are born out of wedlock... then went on to suggest same sex marriage was somehow another nail in the coffin of society. But the main plank of the anti argument is that society is strong only if it recognises marriage between a man and woman, which is countered by that man's point about how fucking shoddy a lot of straight marriage is. It isn't perfect and never has been.
    Pro (gay) marriage is a conservative position, isn't it? It's odd when so many of those against try to argue against from a conservative standpoint. They inevitably contradict themselves.

  2. I think we should expand democracy, but when you hear those people you wonder if they should be allowed to vote.
