Friday 26 October 2012

Mary Whitehouse: Making Britain A Gayer Place

Whitehouse, Thompson suggests, was 'an artist who found her voice in trying to silence others'. For instance, when she prosecuted Michael Bogdanov for "procuring persons for an act of gross indecency in a public place" in directing the National Theatre production of Howard Brenton's The Romans in Britain, this led to an 18-month drama of a court case improvised by Whitehouse. That drama involved a media circus, a QC's crisis of conscience, bitter recriminations and the verdict that turned on a thumb being misidentified as an actor's penis. All of this, Thompson suggests, was "little short of a masterpiece" – something he couldn't say of Brenton's leftist agitprop with its homosexual rape scene. The puritan in horn-rimmed specs, here and elsewhere, made Britain even gayer (possibly in both senses of the word) than it would otherwise have been...

From Stuart Jeffries' Guardian review of Ban This Filth!: Letters From the Mary Whitehouse Archive edited by Ben Thompson.
Book of the year?

Update: Great piece by your actual editor, Ben Thompson, in FT Weekend, that claims Mary was inadvertently "the godmother of gay liberation". 


  1. Down with this sort of thing!

  2. this morning we sat as a family and read your website. and it is the dirtiest, dirtiest website i have seen for a very long time.

    young man, i'm sure you don't really wish to contribute to the moral collapse of this country. so why can't you write about nice, wholesome things like the love of jesus. we need to bring Him back to the heart of our family and national life.

    it is not too late to turn your back on sodomites and let Him enter you. let Him fill you up. let Him be on your lips morning and night.

    god bless.
