Saturday 20 April 2013

Gay Goons: It Gets Worse

Perez Hilton has over 6 million followers on Twitter.
Not sure if that says more about Twitter than just twits in general.
Famously - and oh so vocally - opposed to homophobic bullying, Perez thinks torturing a teenage suspect in contravention of international law and all known moral codes is just fine and dandy.
Why have all these right-wing/reactionary gay goons come crawling out the woodwork this past fortnight?

Better watch out, Perez.
Here's the "adorable" over-entitled spoilt gay brat, @LOHANTHONY, and he has over 400,000 followers already, and he has a similar level of political sophistication to you.
And here's the ever woeful Gay Star News showing their usual high journalistic standards by finding another (!) spurious "gay angle" on this story, and that they have absolutely no idea about responsible reporting of an ongoing legal case.
I've had enough of these stupid power-serving gay wankers.

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