Monday 29 April 2013

Breaking: Someone We've Never Heard Of Has Come Out!

The world of sport was literally turned on its head today after an American sportsman we'd never heard of before came out as a gay man who is openly gay, Gay Stupid News can reveal.
Jason Collins plays basketball, which we think is the one where they try and put balls in hoops.
Not sure.
Jason, who is 34 and nine feet tall, plays baseball for Wolverhampton Wizard Wanderers, a popular team. 
He has two arms and two legs, Gay Stupid News can confirm.
GSN's Joe Meringue told GSN; "This is a real game changer. Slam dunk da funk!"
Asked if he knew what on earth that meant, or who Jason Collins actually was, Joe said no.
On Twitter @Worthinggaylad49 spoke for many when he tweeted simply; "So brave". 
More when we've had a chance to nick some stuff off Wikipedia and have another quick Google...