Wednesday 10 April 2013

Out: Power List 2013

America's Out magazine has published its annual Power List.
At number one is Apple CEO, Tim Cook - again.
Though it's hard to see how his sexuality has any bearing on his job.
His work and statements on gay rights are what - zero?
And I'm not even sure he's actually out - somewhat ironically.
No wonder that Out's short citation on Cook bothers to mention that he "sat next to Michelle Obama at the State of the Union address".

Update: A recent Twitterstorm claiming Apple had banned a comic book app for gay sexual content has turned out to be nonsense.  

PPS Out has a history of including people in their list so dedicated to the cause they were in the closet.


  1. I suspect we disagree on 'in the closet'. Foster and Anderson were only 'closeted' because the media refused to speak of their *open sexuality in their circles. They were not, in fact, closeted, except that they had not gone through the now obligatory performance of 'coming out'.

    The media treated this one aspect of their lives, uniquely, as off limits. It still shocks me that most gays even today cannot see this as an expression of, as you might put it, 'heteronormative hegemony'.

  2. Oh! And here is a plug for my 'outing' post
