Saturday, 27 April 2013

Thought For The Day: Delia Smith

‘It is a difficult one [the gay marriage debate for a Catholic], but I can answer it only in one way.
'Everything I have been taught, everything I know and understand about belief is that the highest thing on Earth is love between two people, and the rest doesn’t even get near it.
'So, yes, you have the arguments, you can say what it should be, but if two people love one another then they are in God and God is in them, and there is no way anyone can say other.’

Delia Smith interviewed in the Daily Mail.
By Jan Moir - eek!
God bless you, Dame Delia, in a similarly somewhat mealy-mouthed way.
Mind you, imagine the loss of earnings if some silly gaybores called for a boycott of her cookery books.

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