Thursday 26 July 2012

Scotland: Gay Caketopper News

Two editorials today celebrate how Scotland will probably introduce gay marriage by 2015.
'The rest of the UK must follow Scotland's lead' says The Independent
'Scotland the brave' announces an uncliched The Guardian - actually quite a good piece.
In an article The Telegraph lies; "Gay marriage to be legalised in Scotland despite two thirds of people opposing change" - the reverse is true.
They also illustrated it with the now obligatory gay cake toppers photo, above - cause we can't show an actual gay couples faces, can we?
The i front page opts for the old "two men holding hands, but you can only see their hands" standby. 
It's rapidly become a media cliche to invoke analogies of "gay Gretna Green" marriages - I'm not sure if this would work in practice, but then I haven't checked it either. 
Whatever, if gay marriage is introduced in Scotland, continuing to outlaw it in England and Wales will become untenable. 
Whether the collapsing coalition will do anything about it is a different question...


  1. ...surely they will have to follow our lead.

  2. ...Scotland's lead ffs....legislation more radical than that being *considered* in London!!
