Thursday 26 July 2012

Gay Marriage: Let's Do The Math!

Despite the smaller spend per couple, same-sex unions are a boon to the wedding industry – and to New York as a whole. Same-sex marriage brought in $259m worth of economic benefits over the past year, according to the mayor, Michael Bloomberg.
"Marriage equality has made our city more open, inclusive and free – and it has also helped to create jobs and support our economy," Bloomberg said on Tuesday. The city released figures showing that some 8,200 same-sex marriage licenses have been granted in the past year – nearly 11% of the total...

The Guardian.
Okay, $259million divided by 8,200 is... $31,585 per gay marriage.
That's more than £20,000 of your English pounds.
Does anyone believe this crapola?


  1. What do they mean by "economic benefits", though?
    It's not the same as direct revenue, is it?
    They must be including like erm you know periphery type incomes and you know stuff and that...? o_O
