Saturday 14 July 2012

Occupied Times: Feigning Dissent

'Dominant, institutionalised LGBT organisations would have us believe that the most important issue for LGBT people in the UK at the moment is equal marriage. But, as Louise from Queer Resistance points out, “lots of us are fighting for accommodation, medical care, there are so many more important things in the world. Equal marriage campaigns take attention away from the more important stuff.” The Coalition for Equal Marriage’s all-white campaign video, depicting a gay returning British soldier proposing to his partner, is an excellent example of how the “rights” of minority groups can be instrumentalised by, and assimilated into, mainstream narratives. Granting gay marriage is a relatively easy and inexpensive facade of progressivism, but it obscures the role of governments in creating structural economic inequalities that disproportionately affect LGBT people. Gay marriage has already been instituted by neoliberal governments in Canada and Latin America, with arguably little impact on the everyday lives of the majority of LGBT people...'

From an article, Queer Groups Organise Against The Cuts, in Occupied Times.
I agree about the great "gay marriage" charade, but...
It is just pure moronic untrue pseudo-radicalism to say; "'Dominant, institutionalised LGBT organisations would have us believe that the most important issue for LGBT people in the UK at the moment is equal marriage..."
When only Coalition For Equal Marriage do this.  
So you're dismissing everything, say, the Albert Kennedy Trust does, about teenage homelessness?
I bet they do more than you.
I love Queer Resistance - but I'd be interested to hear a reply from someone involved with QR who isn't white, middle class or able-bodied - hahahaha.



  2. A white wealthy *bandwagon*..hardly touched by anything other tham their own selfish needs?Q

    One thing about Canada = they allowed gay marriage..welcomed anyone crossing the border to fuck off from the States..and Latin America (where some of my family come from ) were far better than the (what you call ) straights at creating and building, so called family units.

    Have YOU ever been homeless, in real life, poor in real life?
