Wednesday 4 July 2012

Kaleidoscope Trust: Shit Video

The Kaleidoscope Trust have actually done something!
They've made a shit video.
Apparently some working-class types and people who look a bit foreign are stupid bigots.
Isn't that great?
'Imagine if you could face execution for being blond, bald, short, elderly or blue eyed?'
Can you think of anything more banal?
I guess if a primary school kid came up with this trite crap you'd just fake a smile while trying not to barf.
Tried to phone the Trust - to ask them why they think bigotry will stop bigotry, and to ask them how many gay men have been executed just for being gay as the above and their website claims, but went to ansaphone.
I guess Lance Price - Tony Blair's former spin doctor (so clearly a man you can trust) who runs this charade - is away galavanting on foreign shores at some rich idiot's expense.
If you're reading this, can you publish your accounts, please?

1 comment:

  1. No gay soldiers in the video TRAITORS!
