Tuesday, 2 April 2013

The Sun: Ladies Dressed As Fellas Quiz!

The Sun.

Oh do piss off.
What was it Goebbels said; "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth."

PS The in-no-way made-up story about Freddie Mercury taking Princess Diana to the Vauxhall Tavern in man drag went viral and has appeared - usually unchallenged - in media here and across the known world. 
In the UK admittedly it came during a four day bank holiday weekend and newspapers were trying to fill their papers with very little real news and using a skeleton staff, who may or may not have been at the sherry all day, but even so... 
As ever, you wonder if the journalists who write this trash are thick, or they just assume we are? 

1 comment:

  1. A mixture of inebriants and several on Youtube have led me to the knowledge that Lady Gaga's male alter ego is just a rip off of Annie Lennox's in the music video for 'Who's that girl?'
