Wednesday 11 January 2012

Peter Tatchell: Death To The Gays!

Future Sex: Beyond Gay and Straight

"The vast majority of people will be open to the possibility of both opposite-sex and same-sex desires, regardless of whether they act upon them. They won't feel the need to label themselves (or others) as gay or straight because, in a future non-homophobic civilisation, no one will care who loves who. Love will transcend sexual orientation."

Hey Nostradamus!
Peter Tatchell the Huffington Post.
Oh Peter, Fagburn loves you but why do you keep writing silly things like this?
As a Marxist I must say this vulgar Freudian Marxist crap is just deluded 70s pseudo-radical twattery about nurture over nature - also constantly peddled by upper class warriors like Mark Simpson.
Some people are gay - I really doubt we're going to melt into some polysexual dreamworld.
Spare us your collective gay deathwish.


  1. Sorry, but this is just Tatchellophobia.

  2. I'm suspicious of this tendency to see the direction of gay rights as going towards full inclusion with "mainstream" society. The immediate response to that is to accuse me of wanting to keep ver gay community ghettoised, but we always will be outside the "norm" - the majority of the population is heterosexual and always will be - maybe there will eventually be a widespread acceptance that a large percentage are bisexual if only for brief periods (mid-teens and adults in exclusively erm mono-gendered environments, prison, etc) but exclusively hummersexual peeps will always be a minority and different/other, so we'll always be potential targets in society if the shit hits the fan and societies break down. So I fink that we should primarily focus our attention on instilling or promoting an exclusive pride for gay kids/people that isn't dependent on what mainstream society thinks of us and maintain and respect the areas of gay life/society (a gay press, gay culture created by and aimed at gay people above all, gay clubs and pubs, etc) - Tatchell's utopia seems to be unrealistic and runs counter to what societies and people are really like. The recent social and legal advances shouldn't be taken for granted, because history shows us that things can easily turn to shit again and we'll be back out in the cold, as it were. We see the complacency in the gay press atm which I think is a direct result of this lazy thinking that the fight has been won and I saw someone on Queerty a few days ago saying that gay clubs should all be shut down because we're part of the mainstream now and they're no longer needed. This is also why I think Lady Gaga's Born This Way is a pile of shit, because instrinsic in that message is a kind of pleading: "Don't hate me, I didn't choose to be this way" - it's passive and gives the power of our self-worth to mainstream society, just as the trust the gay press extends to so many slyly homophobic people and institutions gives power back to those who wish us ill. All this talk of love transcending sexual orientation is crap too - that's another thing I hate: there's this emphasis on love over sex, because it sells better to straight people; "We don't have bumsex with strangers in toilets, that's yukky... we's in LOVE!" - well, good for you, dear, but there's nothing wrong with sex for its own sake and we used to be about the liberation of sex, now we're buying into the whole middle-class love marriage and two kids thing not as one aspect of being gay but the acceptable face of being gay and therefore the one that's at the front of everything - I think that's why George Michael gets a hard time, coz he's never been ashamed of the fact he fucks around and does drugs and everything (well, after he was accidentally outed anyway).
    I just think all this comlacency and pandering to get straight people to respect us is quite dangerous in the long term.
    A true utopia for gay people is one where we can live our lives in exactly we way we do, however unpalatable to straight society and if they don't like it then fuck 'em coz in that society they'd have no power over us in law and religion's influence in this regard would be nil.
    Not "Born This Way" but "I Am What I Am". :)

  3. How smashing to get such a brilliant well-thought out post like this - made my day.
    Yes, yes, yes.


  4. "As a Marxist I must say this vulgar Marxist crap is just deluded " - Oh dear me, dear me, no! Dear oh dear. No!

    Fagburn a maxist?? dear oh dear. You mean you've read a book on marx as the great prophet don maclean says in "American Pie" says of John Lennon.

  5. Tatchell is wrong.

  6. PT used the same title for a different article on The Guardian blog in 2010...
