Thursday 26 January 2012

Equity Poll: Acting

"Almost half of all gay performers have not come out to their agents, with more than a third admitting they have experienced homophobia in the industry.
"The figures are among the findings of a survey conducted by Equity investigating whether it is safe to be ‘out’ in the entertainment industry. The survey was open to all the union’s members, with the majority of those who took part working as performers.
"Although the report found that 81% of respondents are out in their professional life, and that 94% are honest about their sexuality to their fellow performers, only 57% list their agent as someone they are open about their sexuality to..."

The Stage.
Which makes Fagburn wonder
a) what percentage of actors are gay?
b) how many are out to the public?
c) what's so bad about agents?

"Comments also suggest that actors remain fearful that coming out will hinder their prospects of being cast in certain roles such as romantic leads...
"More than half claim they fear roles available might be restricted, with 54% naming “stereotypical” casting as another and 42% saying “becoming the target of discrimination”.
"One complains: “I have seen others sidelined due to their sexuality and I know that I have been sidelined too.” Another writes that “it’s okay for a straight actor to play gay roles but harder, if not impossible, the other way round”.

Oh, that...
Isn't the whole "Can gay men act the straights?" thing so 2011?
Russell Tovey seems to be doing rather well with it.

Update: Saturday's Independent ekes an article out of this; 'Showbusiness's last secret: actors who daren't leave the closet'
It's not very good. 


  1. Actors should be seen as outside social norms.
    That's my profound statement of the day.

  2. All actors should be called Norm.

  3. THAT! is an excellent idea.
    It would save them having to change their names if someone in Equity already has the same name.
    I shall write to Equity now.
    NO! I will write to Simon "Norm" Callow...

    THIS! is like Plato's Republic where no onw would know who their real children are, but in the arena of the thepsian honey chil' the anonymous progeny shall be the chillun of the stage!
    They shall be nameless! They shall be faceless!
    Only their work will shine through!

    With your brains, Fagburn and my enormous penis-shaped head, WE! will change the world.
    STAND ASIDE! ye mundane and cretinous drones. BRILLIANCE coming through!!!!

    *falls asleep*
