Saturday 21 January 2012

Hate Crime: Should The Bible Be Banned?

"Three men have been found guilty of a gay hate crime after handing out leaflets calling for homosexual people to be given the death sentence..."

BBC News.

As before, the Bible calls for homosexual people to be given the death sentence.
So why single out these chaps? 
They give it out in hotels, ffs!


  1. YellowFireSalamander21 January 2012 at 15:29

    I really don't understand how you think, fagburn. It's almost as though you don't like being a gay man and think you deserve to be abused, humiliated, threatened and treated with contempt - particularly if it's by some rugged ethnic straight boy.

    Thing is fagburn, we have to fight such grotesque religiously induced bigotry wherever it rears its ugly head. If a christian is out on the streets handing out "death to gays" leaflets then they also would be prosecuted. In this case it's muslim wackos doing the hate-the-gays thing, and they, and their fucking community of fellow religious wackos, need to be told this behaviour is not permitted.

    Too often Fagburn, your anti-racism leads you down the winding path of self hatred where because someone is dark skinned their fascism is acceptable.

  2. Bit racist there...
    Guess that was my point.

  3. YellowFireSalamander22 January 2012 at 14:21

    Accusations of racism when you can't think of any good reply are, er, the last refuge of the scoundrel.
