Wednesday 11 January 2012

Foreign People: Boo!

'Gay people should get the death penalty’: Five Muslim men on trial for stirring up hatred after 'handing out homophobic leaflets near mosque'

The Daily Mail.
Lots of people - who are in no way racist, obvs - are getting angry about this.
A best-selling book is available in Britain that says gay men should be killed.
It is called The Bible.


  1. It is mostly racism, isn't it?
    But not just that - I'd feel much more at ease walking into a local church as a gayer than walking into the local mosque round here.
    Is I be a racialist? :(

  2. YellowFireSalamander12 January 2012 at 10:31

    I think you be right BK, youze is mainly a white western pampered gay and should be killed for your debauched sexual tastes which are clearly against what muslim holy book says.

    And to point out that christian areas of the world are safer for your pampered white gay lifestyle than muslim areas is pure racism.

    Although to be honest, if one is concerned with fighting homophobia, then telling homophobic muslims to stop being homophobic is difficult cos some arsehole lefty is always going to accuse you of racism.

    I think said lefties, if gay, suffer what used to be called "Self Hate"

  3. Racist??? Really? Isn't the term racist (like the term Nazi), used by intellectual inadequates to shut down debate? How is it remotely 'racist' to stand up for oneself against intimidation from religious nutters?

  4. Not only is this best-selling book *available* in the UK, but there is an organization devoted to ensuring that when you lay your head to sleep, this book-that-pronounces-a-death-sentence-upon-you should be about 12 inches from your head. I refer, of course, to The Gideons.
