Monday 23 January 2012

The Gay Agenda: Being Boring

"Dallas, Randy Roberts Potts is pushing the gay agenda by watching TV. And by ironing a shirt. Also by doing a puzzle, vacuuming a rug, simmering stew in a slow-cooker, and intermittently stroking the nape of his boyfriend Keaton's neck in a subdued, abstracted manner, the way his Munna might have stroked his hair when he was a child. It could be a typically staid and eventless evening for Randy, with one fat exception: He's doing all this on a 6-by-16-foot set on a patch of downtown sidewalk, surrounded by drifting crowds of passersby.
"With folded arms and befuddled frowns, the onlookers try to make sense of the scene—to the right, atop rugs laid directly on the concrete, there's a farm table and a bookcase stocked with cans of black-eyed peas and stewed tomatoes; to the left, a leather couch sits before a black-and-white television on which a silvery episode of The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp is flickering. A few of them lean in to read a printed explanation affixed to a coatrack up front. THE GAY AGENDA, it explains, IS PERFORMANCE ART DESIGNED TO FOSTER LOVE AND ACCEPTANCE. Huh. They glance up at Randy—he's dipping a spoon into the slow-cooker now, or studying the half-done puzzle—and then lower their gaze back to the paper. In capital letters, they see: THE GAY AGENDA AS CONCEIVED SHOULD BE INCREDIBLY BORING TO WATCH..."

Randy Roberts Potts is touring The Gay Agenda around Middle America from next month.
Press coverage tends to make much of Randy being the grandson of televangelist crook Oral Roberts...
Not sure what to make of this piece - part of me thinks it's cute and clever, but bigots don't really object to gay domesticity, it's the buttfucking they can't stand.


  1. Modern art is shit innit.
    All of it.

  2. I'd rather they just showed two fit blokes sucking each other's cocks in a public toilet, preferably near a church.

  3. I mean, I've pottered around the house tens of thousands of times - but I've had oral sex in toilets... ooh, at least twice. And the real question is, what one would you like shown at your funeral, and I know the answer.

  4. Obviously. If my mum outlasts me and attends, the one where I was the recipient.

  5. "Not sure what to make of this piece - part of me thinks it's cute and clever, but bigots don't really object to gay domesticity, it's the buttfucking they can't stand."

    Is it aimed at biggits, though?
    Maybe it's for everyone who doesn't know a gay and has never had a gay in their intimate circle?

  6. Good point, yeah, s'pose so...
