Friday 13 January 2012

Christian Voice: Praying For Confusion In The Tesco Boardroom

"Tesco has recorded a disastrous Christmas after announcing in early November a £30,000 donation to next year’s divisive, depraved London ‘Gay Pride’.
"Sales in the UK were down 2.3 per cent on last year at Tesco’s busiest time of the year. The figures stunned investors and Tesco shares slumped 53.5p, or almost 14 per cent, to 331.6p, wiping more than £3 billion off its value...
"The news follows a Christian Voice campaign of prayer for confusion in the Tesco boardroom, backed up by emails to directors complaining at the ‘Gay Pride’ decision and leafleting at Tesco stores. Just before Christmas a panic-stricken Tesco announced that the 2012 ‘Gay Pride’ donation would be its last. Hours later, in the face of a homosexual backlash, it had to clarify that gays and lesbians were really important and promise that it would support its homosexual contact group ‘Out at Tesco’ in other ways in 2013, which only made matters worse...
"We also prayed for confusion in the Tesco boardroom. As the ‘Big Price Drop’ was launched in September, it seems that Almighty God, who operates outside space and time, was well ahead of us, anticipating our prayers, and seeing by our actions that our prayers were serious. Significantly, we prayed for a drop in their share price, which, with £3b erased from the value of Tesco, has been answered on what you could describe as a Biblical scale.
"On top of that, their ‘Gay Pride’ announcement, made six weeks before Christmas, could not have come at a worse time for them. It was madness to think that such brazen support for the tiny 1% of the population who are homosexual could have a positive effect. As a result, thousands of Christians and other decent people boycotted the store at what should have been its busiest time of the year..."

Stephen Green, Christian Voice, on supremely insane form.
This is so bonkers is it even worth critiquing?
So the all-knowing God predicted Tesco would donate to London Pride this year (not next, Stephen) so made them come up with an unsuccesful campaign called Big Price Drop?
Of course, dear, of course.
And the lines about Tesco dropping Pride in a panic after a Christian boycott, then after a "homosexual backlash" saying they were backing another gay group is BOLLOCKS made up by the Christian Institute - who you don't mention.
Why so, Stevie - a divine feud?

Update: Surprisingly straight-faced account of this in the business pages of Saturday's Guardian.

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