Tuesday 24 January 2012

Gay Men Don't Get Fat: The Queen Of New York

The Independent's gone large with this and a glowing profile of Simon Doonan; 'New York's Favourite Gay Man'.
He even gets a cover splash with the line; 'Is Sushi Gay Or Straight? Ask The Expert'.
Note to idiots: Mr Doonan's argument that there are two food groups, gay and straight, is, like the title of his new book ("Gay men are French women... with penises"), rather obviously a joke.
Doonan is a high-class window dresser in real life - well, they're so creative, aren't they?
The media do tend to love this kind of superfag, don't they?*
Well, they're so entertaining, aren't they?
Jonathan Harvey turned Doonan's memoirs of growing up as the gayest kid in Reading, Nasty, into Beautiful People - one of Fagburn's favourite TV programmes of recent years, so he must have something going for him.
(It's on YouTube, incidentally - Ssh!)

Except for Aunty Tom Andrew Pierce, obvs.


  1. According to the Indie, he remembers fondly "gay high jinks with Mancunian taxi drivers circa 1972". As a 49-year-old, he would have been 9 years old in 1972. Either their dates have gone awry, or it less high jinks, more child sexual abuse.

  2. I was certain I'd hate Beautiful People and was amazed that I quite liked it. It also reminded me of how fucking gay I was as a child, which was something I'd entirely forgotten. Was lovely to remember that.

  3. Andrew, he might - just possibly - be lying about his age.
    He does talk in the piece about growing up to Bowie, Bolan etc.
